Jesus says, Truly truly, I say unto you, Except a man be BORN AGAIN, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

"Born Again" - What does that mean?

  • Born Again means being born into a new family where God is your Father and no longer the devil.
  • The Bible refers to sinners as Children of the devil.  John 8:44, Acts 13:9,10, I John 3:10, Eph. 2:2.
  • We all start out as children of the devil because we are all sinners. Romans 3:23
  • Accepting this truth puts you in a precarious position because if you die without being born again then you will be lost forever.
  • Being Born again is entering into God’s family with God as your Father, which makes you fit for heaven.
Questions for you:
If Jesus says you personally need to be born again in order to even see the kingdom of God (heaven) what are you going to do about it?
  1. Ignore it?
  2. Think about it but don’t feel it’s urgent?
  3. Seek it as a priority?

How does a person become Born Again?





Trust what God says about you, your sin, and what He did to His Son on your behalf.
What does He say about you?
You are a sinner and your sins have hurt God and put you under judgement awaiting the day of execution.   Romans 3:23
What does He say He did for you?
He punished His own Son with the torments of Hell for all those that would accept that punishment in place of themselves.   Isaiah 53:4-6, 10
Trusting God is knowing in your heart you are forgiven because someone else bore your punishment instead of you.
Trusting God like this is how a person is Born Again.
Questions for you?
  1. Have you ever really accepted that your sins are hurtful to God and have put yourself under God’s coming wrath?
  2. Have you ever accepted God’s way of getting you to heaven by accepting God’s punishing His Son in your stead to take away your sins?